Payment Policy

All major debit and credit cards, including Visa, Mastercard, American Express, PayPal, and Discover, are accepted as forms of payment.

Payment processing: A third-party payment processor will be used to safely process payments.

Payment security: We employ industry-standard SSL (Secure Socket Layer) encryption to safeguard all financial transactions since we take the security of our customers’ payment information extremely seriously.

Payment authorization: Payments are authorized at the time of purchase, and the card of the customer will be charged once the order has been sent.

We do not accept returns for refunds.

Payment disputes: In the uncommon event that a payment dispute arises, we will cooperate with the client and the payment processor to find a swift solution.

All prices on our website are displayed in US dollars.

Customer Support : 24/7

Address : 10085 Hamlen Blvd , san francisco, California 94102, United States


Phone: 904-372-0799